Sunday, February 22, 2009

Day 106 - 108 Phuket II

This past week my neighbor, Tom, from Chicago was on business in Malyasia, so we decided to meet in Phuket for the weekend. We stayed at Kamala Beach on the West side of the island. It was a quieter area than my mom and I were at a couple weeks ago but still very beautiful. On Saturday we went up to Similian National Park (about 1.5 hours North of Phuket) with a tour to snorkel in 4 of the 9 islands that make up park. These islands have the best dive spots in Thailand, but I am not certified yet so we settled for snorkeling. However, the snorkeling here was fabulous. We could see at least 20 - 30 feet down and swam through dozens of schools of fish. I know I keep saying this, but the water here was just breathtaking. Blue/green and clear... Even Tom who has been many places around the world diving was thoroughly impressed with just the snorkeling. The islands that we stopped at were truly paradise. On one island we could hike, actually scale the rocks, to a viewpoint that looked out across the other islands. It was a wonderful day of fun in the sun!

On Sunday we just hung out at Kamala beach and at the pool in the resort. It was nice to see a familiar face again and spend the weekend in Phuket. I don't think Tom really wanted to go back to cold winter in Chicago....
*** Here is a link to more pictures from the weekend..

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