Sunday, April 12, 2009

Day 153 - 154 Kapishya Hot Springs

We decided to leave Serenje for Easter Weekend and travel north about 5 hours to Kapishya Hot Springs. It is a lodge about 40 km off the main road through a Utopian community that was designed by a British man in the early 1900s. He built English style shops, hospitals, schools, and chapels and trained the local people to become blacksmiths, carpenters, and farmers. Most of these building are still in place today, including the large manor on a picturesque estate property. The area is still owned by the family of this man. His grandson, now runs a lodge and safari company around the property and has build a lodge next to the hot springs his grandfather discovered when he purchased the property.
On Saturday afternoon we went white water rafting down the river that runs by the lodge. It was a beautiful, calm river (only a few rapids), so it was a great way to see the property. Saturday night and Sunday morning we were able to enjoy the hot springs and celebrate Easter! It was a nice weekend away from building!

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