Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Day 162 - 163 Brookside Group and Borehole

The Brookside group has been fun to have around this week. The group of 7 here are Associate Pastor John, Pastor Tim and Senior Pastor Steve, along with Michelle, Amy, Molly, and Traci. Four times a year the pastors from America come to do a week of bible teaching for local Pastors, so this week they are working through the 1 Corinthians.0. The women came along to do a morning session with the Pastor's wives and then put on a VBS in the afternoon with the orphans. It has been a ton of fun to have them around and have the 25 pastors and their families camping out at the orphanage. Talk about a lot going on!!

Also, Hope Ministries has hired a well drilling company to come drill a 45m borehole to ensure they have their own water source (the city water is not good and it is only on for 4 hours a day at the site). However, after a few days of drilling in a couple different spots the company was only able to get a quarter of the way into the ground, because there was a think layer of rock. This is not a good situation and it will need to be resolved soon or the orphanage will continue to use the city water!

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