Sunday, May 10, 2009

Day 182 - Chapel Time

The girls attend chapel twice a day everyday and on Sunday have church in the morning and chapel before dinner. Mama Jean leads the church services 3 Sundays a month in English and then the local Lutheran Pastor comes over the 4th Sunday to lead the service in Maa. Tuesday chapel is always in English and either in Maa or Swahili the other days. The girls really lead the services on their own by selecting songs and reading the bible passages, which I am very impressed by.
There is one large choir and each form has a small choir that sings on Sundays and once in a while during the week. They also rock the house when they sing. Again it is amazing how their voices harmonize with no instruments (sometimes a drum). They also out dance anyone I know. It is fun to see some of their moves! I wish I could post video for everyone to hear, but the African internet is way too slow!

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