Saturday, May 16, 2009

Day 188 - Helping Out

The project that they gave me at the school was to clean and organize the library. I recruited some of the girls to help me in their spare time so "poli, poli" (slowly slowly in Swahili) we got all the books and shelves done. The girls were super to work with and get to know better. I also spent some nights helping the girls with homework while they studied. One night the electricity was out so I sat around a flashlight with about 15 girls and they taught me Swahili (much more fun than me helping them!).

Something else I enjoyed doing with the girls the past couple weeks was playing piano. There is an old piano in one of the classrooms and every afternoon there is a group of girls playing in their free time. They really only know one song, so I taught them a couple other short songs.

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