Thursday, October 30, 2008


I think the question asked the most to me leading up to my departure is how are you feeling right now. I am sure that people can hear the excitement in my voice about the year ahead of me, but of course that excitement comes with a little anxiety about the unknown and the yet to be discovered. To most this trip sounds like a year long vacation, but adapting to new cultures, people, and ways of life will be a challenge. Not to mention that I don't speak any Thai yet and I will be teaching students who speak hardly any English. But I am looking forward to everything and wondering how I can pack my life for the next year into 2 suitcases!!

I wanted to include my flight itinerary and housing information for the first month in Thailand in this post. Here is my flight itinerary:

  • Thursday, November 6th, leave Minneapolis/St.Paul at 7:05 p.m. and arrive in Los Angeles at 9:05 p.m.

  • Friday, November 7th, leave Los Angeles at 12:05 a.m. and arrive in Seoul, Korea, at 6:15 a.m. on Saturday, November 8th

  • Leave Seoul, Korea, at 8:40 p.m. and arrive in Chiang Mai, Thailand, at 12:35 a.m. on Sunday, November 9th
On Saturday I am hoping to take a day tour bus around South Korea during my layover. Upon arrival in Chiang Mai I will be able to check into my hotel and spend Sunday exploring the city. My TEFL classes at Chiang Mai University will start on Monday at 9 a.m. sharp, so I don't have much time to get adapted before hitting the books again! Here is a link to the hotel I will be staying at in Chiang Mai during the program The address and contact information are on the site.

Friday, October 24, 2008

The Countdown is On

It is hard to believe that in less than two weeks I will be boarding a plane to Thailand! As I finish packing up my apartment this weekend and say good bye to Chicago, I am feeling a little bittersweet about this next step in my life. It is hard to leave great friends and a great job, but the excitement and challenge of the adventures that lie ahead in the next year make the move a bit easier.
Wednesday is my last day at Grant Thornton before driving back to Minnesota to spend a week at home. My family will be celebrating Grandma Beck’s 80th birthday on November 3rd, so I am looking forward to sharing that special day with everyone. The rest of the week will be spent finishing up last minute preparations for the trip and catching up with everyone! I know these next two weeks will go fast so I am going to savor every minute before leaving the country on November 6th!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Plan (subject to change)

My travels begin in Thailand where I will be living for the next 5 months. The first month is going to be spent in Chiang Mai, Thailand (Northern Region) to complete a 3 week Teaching English as a Foreign Language Certification (TEFL) with 20 other adults from all over the world. Once I have finished the certification, the TEFL program will help place me in a school somewhere in Thailand. My contract at the school could last between 3 - 5 months with the option to extend my time in Thailand if I choose. However, my plan now is to move to Eastern Africa for the following 5 months to do mission work. I hope to stay in Zambia for a month and then the rest of my travels in Africa probably will not become definite until after the first of the New Year. I have been in contact with numerous programs that offer opportunities in Kenya, Uganda, and/or Tanzania, so I will keep you posted as I know more details. My disclaimer for this post is that these plans are subject to change. I am open to where the road leads me over the next year. This trip has been a leap of faith and I leave it up to faith to guide me.

I want to encourage everyone to leave comments on the blog page or keep in touch with me via email or facebook. I know that hearing from people will make the transition to overseas much easier. I also want to thank everyone for all the support! I have truly been blessed in my life to have so many wonderful family and friends. I could not have done this without you!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Welcome to my Blog and thanks for checking out the site. This blog is my travel diary to document the next year and share my experiences overseas with you. I want you to be a part of the places I will be traveling and the people I have the pleasure of meeting. This trip is something that I have been praying about for a while and I hope that this will open my eyes to the world that surrounds us. With the support of my family and friends, I embark on the time ahead and ask for your continued encouragement. This is My Journey, as documented through A Travel Diary.