Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Day 13 - Gettin' around

There are three main ways that a traveler (foreign or not) can get around Chiang Mai: by scooter, Tuk - Tuk, or Song Tauw. It is very common to see 3-4 people (an entire family) on one scooter driving through the busy streets. I have not dared to ride a scooter yet, because they are very dangerous. We have seen numerous accidents in the street. However, they say it is great to rent one for the day to take up into the mountains! A Tuk - Tuk is a small triangular bike that seats about 3-4 people. They are cute and fun to ride in! (see the picture above) But the mode of transportation we normally take is a Song Tauw. It is a pickup truck with a covered back that has two benches for people to sit on. They do not have a bus system in Chiang Mai, because from what we have heard the Song Tauw business is run by the mafia (along with many other things) and they will not allow the city to start a system. It usually cost us each about 20 baht to get from place to place around the city. They do have cars and trucks here, but I would say that they are about 1 in 15 vehicles on the road.

The pollution level here is very high. The first couple days out on the streets I had to cover my mouth and try not to breath in while we were in a vehicle, because they do not have regulations for the emissions. Unfortunately I think I getting use to it and it doesn't bother me as much now.


Zack said...

Be careful Jen, I have some friends who had a bad experience in thailand with a scooter, I'll tell you later, it has an ok ending, but I don't want to scare you.

Kali said...

Hello, Hello! It was SO great to talk with you this morning, sorry we got disconnected. Hearing the enthusiasm in your voice absolutely made my day! The Lord has truly blessed you with this experience!

The main mode of transportation around the city sounds a little crazy! Hang on tight!!!

OK, I have some exciting news. Well, it really isn't anything big, but it makes me SUPER duper happy! I even reached for my phone to call you and tell you all about it. Anyways, I finally got my wedding album and I think it is perfect! The pictures of the two of us in it remind me of what a wonderful friend you are to me! Makes me a little teary too. I can't wait to share it with you.

Hope you had a restful night and enjoy the day! Love you!