Thursday, November 27, 2008

Day 22 - State of Emergency in Thailand

I hate to bring up anything not cheerful on Thanksgiving, but I have already gotten emails from people about the state of emergency that has been declared in Thailand today. Currently there are protest groups trying to overturn the Prime Minister of the country and they have taken the two airports in Bangkok under seige. There have been bombings and shootings over the past couple days/weeks in Bangkok and 3 people were killed at a protest in Chiang Mai last night. Right now they are just advising us to travel in groups and to stay away from protest areas in the city but demonstrators are not targeting Westerners. (this is a National affair not an international affair)

I was suppose to fly to Bangkok on Sunday night to start teaching on Tuesday (which I will post more about later), but it looks like I will be taking another mode of transportation. I will keep you posted on any new developments (there are articles on foxnews and other sources if you want further information).

Thank you for the concerned emails but I am safe. I am praying that they will reach a peace agreement soon and also praying for the people of India and the families of those who lost loved ones!

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