Thursday, January 1, 2009

Day 53 - 56 Sihanoukville, Cambodia

Monday was spent mainly on a bus or in a taxi crossing from Vietnam into Cambodia. It was amazing how within 5 miles of the border I could tell I was in a very poor third world country. The homes and the people were automatic indicators that life is not easy in this country. Ironically it was similar to being in Nicaragua so it brought back a lot of memories. We wanted to be at the beach for New Year's so we trekked all the way down to Gulf of Thailand. Small world again... we got off the bus in Phnom Penh and ran into our friend Johanna, from Australia who we had met in Hanoi and then later in Hui An, so she came with us. The three of us got a guesthouse right up from the beach and spent the next three days soaking up the sun. It was a great little beach town where there are shacks of restaurants that line the beach. During the day they have lounge chairs to relax in and at night they turn the beach into a chilled oasis where they had big wicker chairs, tables, fire dancers and fresh seafood BBQ's every night.

One New Year's Eve we went on a snorkeling trip out to 4 of the 15 different islands that surround the coast and spent the afternoon on a deserted island. The water was the clearest I have ever seen and we actually saw some pretty coral (the Lonely Planet guide says that the snorkeling/diving is nothing compared to Thailand, so I am excited for the next couple months!!) We rang in the new year with bare feet on a packed beach and enjoyed all the fireworks that people were setting throughout the night.

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