Saturday, March 7, 2009

Day 117 - 118 Last Day of School and Goodbye..

WOW!! It is hard to believe that Friday was my last day of school at Nantawan. The last couple months have flown by and I am sad to be leaving the kids. This last week of school the kids have had finals each day and then we got to celebrate on Friday afternoon with lots of good food and games outside! I have enjoyed the people and teaching at the school for the past couple months. It was a great experience!! The students now have two weeks off before summer camps begins (if they choose to attend) and then they get three more weeks off before the new school year begins in May!

After we finished school on Friday afternoon I went up to Bangkok to meet one of my sorority sisters from college, Cindy, who was traveling here on business. We went to the Baiyoke Center, which is Bangkok's tallest hotel and ate dinner on the 78th floor. Then we went up to the 84th floor, which rotated around the building so you could see every view of Bangkok. It was wonderful to see Cindy and catch up with her! Amazing where you meet your sisters...

On Saturday night the teachers (both foreigners and Thai) at the school threw a little going away party for me, which was nice! It was good to see everyone for the last time before leaving... I will miss them all very much!!

And I also had to say goodbye to my neighbors at the Casistas who have been so nice to me for the duration of my stay. Claas and Joyce Linder lived right next to me and their door was always open to me and my door was always open to their 7 year old son, Tim. I also became good friends with a group of Thai ladies in my building. They always invited me to dinner and were just so kind to me (as all Thai people are) if I needed anything. A couple of them spoke very good English and a couple did not. My friend, Kathleen, from the Philippines who I met at the TESOL course in Chiang Mai has also been staying with me the past two weeks, because she was looking to teach at Nantawan starting for Term 1 next year.

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