Monday, March 30, 2009

Day 141 - 142 School Shopping with the Children

Today I had the opportunity to spend the day with Pastor Navice, 16 orphans, and their caregivers shopping for new school uniforms and supplies that Brookside Church is sponsoring. Our group trooped into the market and in a semi orderly fashion to start shopping, but this is not as easy as entering one store to buy everything. Each little shop had a couple shirts or a pair of shoes, so the children had to dig through the piles to find their sizes. Each child received two school uniforms, a sweater, a black pair of shoes, tennis shoes, a P.E. uniform, and 2 pairs of socks. I don't think any of them had ever been given new clothes like this so their excitement was priceless. This actually turned out to be an all day process, so I went back later to purchase the school supplies which we packed at the office that night. We filled a backpack for each child with 10 notebooks, pencils, a ruler, a toothbrush, toothpaste, and a bar of soap. It on cost about $60/child to equip them for school. (l: children with their new shoes, m: girls in their school uniforms, r: children in their PE uniform)

The next morning I met Navice, the children, and the caregivers at school to give them their backpacks and send them off to the first day of school. They all looked wonderful in their new uniforms and what a fun experience to be apart of for them. It is a blessing that they are now receiving an education! (l: Charles with his new backpack, r: all the children ready for school)

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