Saturday, June 6, 2009

Day 210 - 2 Tables, 16 Chairs and Some Chickens

After talking with Mama Tesha yesterday, I wanted to help immediately. Right now they have no tables or chairs in the Primary School dining area for the students to eat their meals (would be used as desks for classes as well), so this week I would like to help them build the tables. Yesterday I went around town to price the materials to build 2 large tables and 16 chairs for the school and to hire a carpenter to do the work. This would be a start to begin seating the 370 children and would be a step towards the completion of the dining hall.

Mama started a small chicken coop a couple weeks ago in hopes that she could produce enough eggs so that each child may have one a week during a meal. Along with the tables and chairs, I would like to help purchase some chickens so she can expand her farm. The school is trying to become self-sustaining by producing their own food, so chickens, in addition to the goats and vegetable garden they already have, will help to continue their vision.
My goal for the project is to raise $500 by next week with the help of my family and friends. Last night I sent a mass message to my 500 Facebook friends to ask for donations. Every dollar makes a difference -this is a small project that I can make happen this week with the support of family and friends back in the States. Your donation will help St. Margaret's Nursery and Primary school continue to grow. I am happy to accept your donations in whatever amount you see fit to give. I assure you the money will all go to the project. Thanks for your donations! I'll keep everyone posted on my progress! Mama Tesha says that anyone who gives to the school is truly an angel, but I believe SHE is the angel with a huge heart and a lot of love to give! Her prayers have been answered...
If you are reading this and would like to help, please send your donation to:
Jen Glesne
20806 County Highway 119
Underwood, MN 56586
My mom will deposit all donations into my account so that I can use them over here. Thanks again!
(L: the old kitchen, M: the new kitchen and dining area, R: their chicken coop)

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